Lauren Southern on Me Every Nows and Again

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"I was being taught to believe that, first, I was special, unique, important, and great beyond words; second, that I was completely equal to everyone, which is to say average and mediocre. I"
Lauren Southern, Barbarians: How The Baby Boomers, Immigration, and Islam Screwed my Generation
"We wouldn't lose all that much, honestly. With rare, rare exceptions, the anti-Trump "conservatives" were out of touch, boring, lame, ineffective, self-righteous losers without enough flare or original thought to headline an accountants' convention. Except, as their reading of the polls showed us, the accountants are better at math."
Lauren Southern, Barbarians: How The Baby Boomers, Immigration, and Islam Screwed my Generation
"Like many millennials, I had a conventional modern education, and it's only with a lot of painful hindsight and introspection that I can see how deficient it was. Let me give you the biggest, and worst examples: If you asked me in my last year of high school to name five great musicians, I would have probably only got as far as Mozart and Beethoven before drawing a blank. If you asked me to name five great authors, I'd have mentioned Shakespeare and then groped in vain for anything else. If you'd asked me to name five great philosophers, I'm ashamed to say I wouldn't even have got as far as Plato. If you'd asked me about the history of Western civilization, I maybe could have named the Roman Empire, but you couldn't get me to tell you what actually happened while it was around. The one bright spot, I guess, was that I could name at least a single Saint, and recite a few lines of scripture. But this was because I grew up in a religious home, and had nothing to do with my education."
Lauren Southern, Barbarians: How The Baby Boomers, Immigration, and Islam Screwed my Generation
"When I talked about World War II, I only really knew about the Holocaust, Japanese internment, and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and was certain that they were all equally bad. I could interrogate someone else's privilege like a Spanish Inquisitor, but wash my hands of my own like Pontius Pilate. I knew exactly which side of the classroom I belonged in when the teacher of my social justice class (yes, this is a thing) divided us into "privileged" vs. "underprivileged" categories in twelfth grade. And perhaps most revealingly, I'd never had to read George Orwell's 1984. He'd been shelved to make room for a local writer's story of a poor Indian boy by the time I showed up. I realize now how poisonously deliberate this last omission was. Because in retrospect, what I was really being taught, more than this junk diet of useless knowledge, was a classic instance of what Orwell himself famously described as doublethink. That is, the act of believing two mutually exclusive things at once. In my case, I was being taught to believe that, first, I was special, unique, important, and great beyond words; second, that I was completely equal to everyone, which is to say average and mediocre. I was taught that diversity is unity. That to regress is to progress. That bullying was Hitler. That George W. Bush was doubleHitler. That British colonizers of Canada were doubleplusHitler. That we have always been at war with Hitler, however defined."
Lauren Southern, Barbarians: How The Baby Boomers, Immigration, and Islam Screwed my Generation
"In my case, I was being taught to believe that, first, I was special, unique, important, and great beyond words; second, that I was completely equal to everyone, which is to say average and mediocre. I"
Lauren Southern, Barbarians: How The Baby Boomers, Immigration, and Islam Screwed my Generation
"I was taught that war, when conducted by communists, terrorists, and agitators, is peace. That freedom, when exercised by white cishet men, is slavery. And most horribly of all, that ignorance is strength. My"
Lauren Southern, Barbarians: How The Baby Boomers, Immigration, and Islam Screwed my Generation
"a steadily increasing number of millennials are finally beginning to wake up to the choice we face as a civilization, and to the value they've so long overlooked in traditional standards of morality and beauty. They are wondering: is modern culture really so great if it means we substitute Meghan Trainor for Mozart, Emma Sulkowicz for Da Vinci, or Bell Hooks for Plato? Is it really such a step forward that our civilization, which once shed both blood and ink debating Martin Luther's 95 Theses, is now reduced to considering theses like VICE Magazine's "Dear Straight Guys: It's Time to Start Putting Things In Your Butt?" Is this all there is, or can we do better? No,"
Lauren Southern, Barbarians: How The Baby Boomers, Immigration, and Islam Screwed my Generation
"Not that those professors were blameless angels. Frankly, they'd already been eroding the traditional purpose of a university education for a while when the Boomers showed up: a process that began with the emergence of the Soviet Union, when professors reared on the progressive notions of government-by-expertise fell in love with communism, and fell out with religion."
Lauren Southern, Barbarians: How The Baby Boomers, Immigration, and Islam Screwed my Generation

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